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Spring Homemaking Revival

Having lived in the heart of Appalachia the past 18 years, I have become entranced and inspired by the tradition of revivals. I can hear them hollering and singing through the trees, down by the river, across the valley. I can see the tents pitched anywhere and everywhere; next to the chain grocery store parking lot, in front of the church, in the middle of a field. I have found abandoned old podiums and creaky, weathered outdoor stages hidden down the forgotten footpaths of the local park. 

A revival is meant to be a seasonal, community centered event that inspires fervent, hyped up recommitment to the holy spirit–but at this nonreligious (yet equally passionate and reverent) revival we will seek to inspire recommitment to your home. The home is a holy place, no matter your creed. 

Our relationship to our home is intimate, akin to a marriage or family bond. Like all long term committed relationships, it can be hard to keep the spark alive. Sometimes we fall out of love, or question if we were ever in love to begin with. Sometimes it’s a marriage of convenience, or a temporary arrangement. Sometimes we feel like we want to move house because we simply cannot tolerate the mess and clutter anymore.

I am here to remind you of the power of a good, old fashioned, deep cleaning. But this time, we’re going to do it in good company. 

In this class, we will spend the first hour deep cleaning our homes alongside each other, and the second hour resting and exploring the question/practice: How do I renew love for my home?


April 7

Neurospicy Housekeeping