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The Under Appreciated Art of

Organic Reach

Neurospicy Housekeeping

Neurospicy Housekeeping

A lot of people who struggle with housekeeping have neurospicy neurology or are dancing/dealing with long term health conditions, difficult life circumstances, and differences or distinctions in ability. Because our larger culture does not accommodate diverse abilities or circumstances, we are left feeling like our messy home is a reflection of our personal failure.

It’s not. A messy home is more often a reflection of crushing systemic issues, over emphasis on individuality, internalization of cultural or familial messaging, and lack of substantial support during times of hardship.

At the same time, those of us who struggle the most with keeping house are often the ones who would benefit the most from bringing order to the chaos. People who shut down when faced with a big mess and usually especially sensitive to their environment. This sensitivity is also what will allow you to make your home a work of art; to understand how homemaking is a sensual practice built from texture, sight, taste, and sound.

Tidiness is not an innate quality, it is a behavior. Anyone can begin to restore order in their home if they discover how to work downstream with their own neurology, unlearn their perfectionism, and break down overwhelming jobs into small, manageable tasks. By de-emphasizing strength of will and focusing instead on circumstances, conditions, and structures within the home, changes in behavior can arise much more easily.

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Domestic Liberation Series: $20 Drop-In Classes

Domestic Liberation Series: $20 Drop-In Classes

While most of my work involves private sessions and in-depth workshops, I am now offering $20 drop-in classes for the sake of accessibility for all, and as a fully transparent sales funnel for anyone who would like to get to know me before they work one-on-one with me.

These classes are designed to stand alone or be taken as a series. They are short and sweet; you can attend as many or as few as you desire, on a whim or on an info binge in the realm of homemaking and housekeeping.

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Keeping House with a Spouse: Part 2

Keeping House with a Spouse: Part 2

Part 2 of 2: Yours & Mine. In the second part of our workshop, we will discuss the need for a space that is our own, and how to create this for ourselves in a shared home. Living together is hard, but we can practice respecting our spouse by respecting their things, their space, & their unique needs in the home. We can extend this same kindness to ourselves, of course. Relationships are always a dance of coming together & moving apart. How can your relationship with your home support this dance?

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Keeping House With a Spouse: Part 1

Keeping House With a Spouse: Part 1

This two-part class is designed for couples to attend together; a date night & a deep dive. Did you know that your home is the third “person” in your relationship? A shared space is the physical representation of your relationship with one another. The way couples navigate housekeeping is often indicative of the way they navigate other relationship practices & issues. Register here.

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Holistic Time Management

Holistic Time Management

Time management is something almost everyone has to practice every single day. It not only impacts how we feel about ourselves or believe others see us, it impacts our family relationships, professional life, and ability to consistently care for ourselves and fulfill our responsibilities to others.

Most of the messaging we receive about personal growth places far too much emphasis on self discipline, which causes us to collapse in powerlessness when we cannot sustain unrealistic and overextended efforts long term. Time management, like every other habit, cannot be compartmentalized from how we manage the rest of our household.

Fortunately, it’s totally possible to develop punctuality without fueling our efforts through self discipline, anxiety/people pleasing, or self hate. There is a lot we can do to make the day-to-day shuffle and endless logistical planning less stressful for ourselves and less stressful on our relationships.

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